Late Fees Begin December 25, 2023
Registration Closes January 5, 2024
Submissions Due January 12, 2024
Members - $150 per entry ($200 per starting December 25)
Non-Members - $200 per entry ($250 per starting December 25)
The 2024 AIA Florida Gulf Coast Design Awards is designed to encourage excellence in architecture, to elevate the public consciousness of good design, and to recognize owners, designers, and contractors whose work enriches the built environment.
The program recognizes great design and a commitment to service, which contributes to the advancement of the profession. The winners will be honored at the Design Awards presentation on March 2, 2024.
Projects submitted must have been completed within the immediate past five calendar years and be substantially complete by the date of submission for built work awards.
The program is open to architectural projects of all sizes and classifications, Eligible projects include single buildings, groups of buildings, parks and plazas, historic preservations, additions, remodeling, adaptive reused and interiors.
Completed projects by licensed architects [1] who are a member of the AIA Florida Gulf Coast Chapter are eligible regardless of where their projects are located. Alternatively projects completed by architects licensed in the Florida/Caribbean region but not a member of the AIA Florida Gulf Coast Chapter are eligible on the condition that the project being submitted is located in the Gulf Coast Chapter region [2].
All architects submitting projects (or portions thereof) must designate authorship of each portion of the project. The submitting architect may qualify as a member of a design team, whether or not serving as the head of the team. When one architect is not the sole author, all other participants contributing substantially to the design of the project must be given credit as part of the submission, regardless of professional discipline.
Work which has previously been awarded an AIA Florida Gulf Coast Design Award is NOT eligible for entering in the same category.
*[1] For purposes of the Design Awards Program, a licensed architect is defined as a person who is registered to practice architecture in the Florida/Caribbean region.
*[2] For the purposes of the Design Awards Program, Gulf Coast region is defined as Manatee, Sarasota, Highlands, Hardee, & Desoto counties.
Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, January 5, 2024.
Submission deadline for ALL award categories is 11:59 p.m. on Friday, January 12, 2024.
Categories: (Click HERE for complete description)
New Work - Residential
New Work - Commercial and Public
Renovations and Additions
Historic Preservation and Restoration
Interior Architecture
Unbuilt Work
Sustainable Design
Innovation with Materials
Associate Level
Theoretical and Research
More Information
Awards Guidelines
Submission Criteria
Awards FAQ
Honor Awards Nominations
Please consider nominating someone for an Honor Award. Click HERE for the nomination form. Nominations are due by Friday, January 12, 2024.
Honor Award Categories:
*Medal of Honor
*Builder of the Year
*Champion of Architecture
Questions? Please contact info@aiagulfcoast.org